August 12-22nd I had the pleasure of having the opportunity to visit Cuba under a professional research visa to take part in a Hip Hop symposium in Havana. With this came the chance to collaborate on a short film and the recording of an album. Yup, it was as amazing as it sounds guys!
My old college buddy Alexander Scott pitched me on the idea of shooting a film about Cuban Hip Hop at this time of monumental change in Cuba, and I was immediately sold. He then secured a grant from a foundation in Detroit to make this dream project a funded reality. The state of Cuba post-Obama visiting in March, and the start of this "normalization" process between the two governments would serve as the inspiration to shoot a film and serve as our general thesis during this collaboration with many talented Cuban artists. Zander also facilitated bringing down Collin Diles, a talented producer from New Mexico, to implement a strategy to record music and handle on set sound. Over the course of 12 days we recorded a 16 song album and shot 1.5 TBs worth of video footage! I was completely blown away with how hard everyone worked and utilized our time. The relationships we made in Cuba will be long standing, and I am so excited to move forward with the process of editing this short film and releasing a full length album/sound track. Stay tuned for a lot of good things to come. Below is a teaser trailer for the film. We are working hard on an *OFFICIAL trailer SOON! Our first single "Equilibrio" drops soon as well.
The crew!!